Resources for the classroom
Designed to help you deliver the National Standards in your classroom.
Features include:
- National Health Science Standards complete alignment
- Printable and digital version for a variety of class settings
- Multiple formats (PDF/PPT)
- Problem-solving collaborative activities
- Student-center instruction with a teamwork emphasis
- Assessment items in Excel, ready to upload in testing or review app
- Step-by-step video tutorials for resource navigation
- Instant digital download
Non-HSEA members = $600
HSEA members and/or member states = $450
For those who purchased Version 6.0 over the past three years (2020-2023) and are interested in the updates, an abbreviated program is available for = $150 or $200 for Non-HSEA members.

Through a partnership between DPI and AHEC, 50 classroom resources are available for teachers to use. All resources are standards-aligned, free, vetted, and available in the WISELearn Portal.
For a full listing of the resources and direct links, go to this link:
2022 Health Science WISELEARN Resource List (spreadsheet) - Do you have a topic which you struggle to find information or activities to engage your students with? This list provides educators with a wealth of activities and information that support most of the Health Science standards. Each provides an active link, description, goal of the resource, and a video explaining the resource.

HOSA – Future Health Professionals is pleased to provide “on-demand” mini-lessons for teachers with a desire to connect HOSA Competitive Events with the classroom curriculum. From classroom activities, links to websites, alumni sharing how HOSA and Competitive Events prepared them for their future careers, lesson plans, video lessons, what HOSA event is right for the member, and engagement strategies; the “on-demand” page meets the needs of both HOSA Advisors and members.
The website is updated often and aligns with the Competitive Events annual topics.
NCHSE - Wednesday Webinars
NCHSE hosts Wednesday Webinars for our members and guests to learn from health industry leaders, NCHSE partners, and educators. These webinars will be held once or twice a month. Registration for these events is required. Recordings will be posted on this page for those who are unable to attend live sessions.
2024 Topics include:
- Hot Topics in HSE
- Mental Health First Aid Info Session
- Pharmacy Tech. Education: An Ideal Offering for CTE
- Healthcare Simulations Best Practice Overview
- Starting a New Patient Care Tech. Pathway Program
- Discovery Education and Connecting Health Sciences
- Clinical and Employability Skills
- HSEA Celebration - Approaching the End of the School Year
- Ready to Get Practical? Hands-On Activities to Supplement Sports Medicine or any Health Science Classes?

The DPI guidance for 'Health Science Programming in Wisconsin' has been updated. Reference the DPI HSE website to find information on:
The need for Health Science Programming
Health Science Career Pathways and quality components
Health Science courses and course coding
Educator licensing requirements
Examples of course and licensing configurations
Settings for course offerings
Carl Perkins Grant funding
Join Google Currents (formally Google+ Community), a professional site for educators of Health Science and Biomedical Science courses. As a community member, you are encouraged to contribute your ideas, resources and uphold the standards of respect and quality. DPI is not responsible for the content provided. Use this invitation to join the community! To join, users must have a G Suite account.
Follow the NCHSE Facebook page and request access to join the national HSEA private Facebook group to stay up-to-date on events, network with other health science teachers from across the nation, and share resources (you do not need to be a member of HSEA to join).
The University of Wisconsin Stevens Point is offering a new educator preparation program for health science education. Both undergraduate and graduate certificate options are being offered. For more information check out the certificate
CLICK HERE and access details on the UWSP website.