Your WI HSEA professional membership fee includes the following benefits:
Wisconsin Health Science Educators Association (WI HSEA) membership
National Health Science Educators Association (HSEA) membership and communications from NCHSE
Automatic Registration for the WI HSEA Annual Conference - December 6th, 2024 at Madison College.
Complimentary access to HSEA/NCHSE teacher lesson plans and classroom activities upon confirmation of membership
Other Professional Development Opportunities sponsored by WI HSEA and HSEA/NCHSE
Member-only access to WI HSEA resources
Discounted NCHSE Products - Highly encouraged purchasing the Health Science Curriculum Enhancements 7.0 Edition - discounted price for Wisconsin teachers!
Membership certificate for portfolio
Payment - Carl Perkins Grant funding can be used to pay for educator membership fees for professional organizations. Please check with your district on payment options and approvals.